Follow The Blue Phoenix

A couple of months back, in the Amathongo Realms, a blue phoenix flew inside the ancient cave, where I was receiving Oracular Training with the Benevolent Forces of Nature and Creation. The mystical bird flew straight to my face, paused enough to intensely stare at me, before flying away through the threshold of the cave. Someone, an Elder Spirit, shouted loudly and said, ‘follow the blue phoenix’.

And so, I followed the blue phoenix.

To the liminal spaces--where many adventures awaited me.

A couple of weeks after this inner-voyage, I learnt about the mythology of the Two Phoenix from J.S. Gordon’s incredible book, The Path of Initiation. In the book, Gordon shares an ancient mythology:

‘It is said that in Ancient Egypt, there is a Creation Story told to Herodotus of the two phoenixes that descended from the heavens as the primeval mound of Earth (Atum) first rose above the waters. One phoenix (supposedly the ‘dead’ one) evidently represented Karma, while the second one (the alive one) represented Dharma.’

Karma in this context, representing the past, and the incredulous beast that is our memory. While Dharma represents our purpose, the story that is weaved by Christos, our Higher Self.

Later, in communion with my Christos, I gathered that the blue phoenix I followed from Amathongo Realm, is the phoenix of Karma. And so, the electro-magnetic energies of the phoenix, is what has been active for me in the last couple of weeks.

I have been dwelling in this shadow realm of karma—remembering and retrieving many of my shadow bodies, entities, fragments and elementals alive in the many pockets of my subtle existence.

This time, this has been a deeper process that has transcended the mental-intellectual ways that I use to work within as per my background training in psychology. This time, it's been completely mythical, esoteric and primordial. In the same way that our Ancient Elders, who were still tethered to the spirit realm, did in their time.

It’s been heavy duty work. But it’s the perfect initiation for these times of deep unravelling and gathering of our celestial collisions.

In my travels lately, across Botswana, South Africa, Malawi and Tanzania, I’ve been burdened by how these lands of my ancestors are buried in collective suffering, heaviness and discord.

Everywhere I go, there is bleeding. We are bleeding with our perpetual mourning for the dead. The dead as our old selves. The dead as our forgotten dreams. The dead as our loved ones. The dead as our motherlands. And the dead as Earth, our collective body, mind and spirit.

This is why many of us are getting activated to do deeper shadow healing and purification. For our realm is becoming a phoenix--dying to itself, so it can rise again.

This is the invitation with what has been unfolding in the fields in the last couple of months. All of the spiritual warfare, astral sexual attacks, mental and emotional infiltrations, and shadow possessions that many of the spiritually awakening have been experience, is about the necessity to face the phoenix of karma.

The gathering of our pain-bodies, so we can descend deeper into the temple of our bodies and become wholly alive in the days of our lives.

And so, for those of us in spiritual service to humankind; the Oracles, Shamans, Priests/Priestesses, Prophets/Prophetesses, Grailkeepers, Messengers and Wayshowers of God, we are currently traversing our missions/assignments in the different ways we have been positioned by our Source Creator God.

It’s important, more than ever, to lean into our communities and our shared purpose. Yes, we are commissioned differently through the many different spiritual systems of our world. But we are a lineage of spiritual warriors wholly committed to the process of purification, restoration and liberation. And for that, we bear similar struggles and challenges.

We can get lost in the contractions but we are all in service to Humankind and to the Source of All That Is, and All That Will Ever Be (as it is known by a thousand names).

As we step into the mission of the phoenix, I wish to offer us a prayer as we navigate these times.

A Prayer for Those in Spiritual Service to Humankind.

Source of All That Is. Heavenly Father, Divine Mother God.

Please grant the divine lineage of healers, speakers, messengers and wayshowers your wisdom, your providence, your shelter and your ever perpetual, eternal light, so that it may carry us through and upon this long night when humanity will wake from their sleep.

May you be with us, Source God. As we navigate the thresholds. As we walk the path of the dead. As we return ourselves to the path of the living.

May we excavate in our bones, these deep roots, the divine memory of our impossibly, glorious supernatural callings. So, we may finally use our gifts to become the channels, the ministers, the scientists, the surgeons and master healers of the spirit.

May you unbind us from the heaviness of our misery, our suffering, and our World Wound, so that we may be the warriors who face the shadows. The shadows within ourselves, and the shadows of our collective body as Earth Lineages.

Source God, we are your Eternal Children. And we are in service only to the true spark of love. The Unconditional Love that permeates every creation, every creature, every kingdom that is of the Earth.

We are the healing balm that will pierce the night—with the greater eternal light. We are the lightworkers. We are the shadowworkers. And so, we ask that you deepen us, that you unwind us, that you remake us as new creations. New Creations that are able to face the demiurge of forgetfulness, the demiurge of disconnection, the demiurge of fragmentation, that is in our bones, in our roots, in our blood, and in our lands.

God O God,

Hold us and carry us through the valleys, through the forests, through the waters, through the mountains when in the night it is darker. Carry us and bring us the light through your Eternal Christ Avatars, through your Benevolent Guardians, through your Officers of the Eternal Kingdom, through the Kinship of all of our Divine Lineages, and most of all, through our own Christos, the Divine Creation you have formed us into manifestation.

I say God,

May you train us in the art of discernment, so we know our true allies, and the true bonds that connect us to each other. So that we don’t get lost in our differences, but we are strengthened by our similarities.

Our similarities to save the children. Our similarities to face the darkness of our humanity. Our similarities to purify, restore and liberate our consciousnesses. Our similarities to carry, shift, and lift our World Wound. And allow it to be swallowed by your Eternal Light. And to be renewed by the Primordial Waters of the Mother.

Strengthen us.

Endow and fill us with Valor. For in our Obedience, Courage and Love, we are not afraid. We see and understand who we are as the different warriors, rightly positioned in our different locations, maps and missions. We know that, in all that unfolds there is a greater truth. A greater weaving, archetypal, esoteric, magical and ancient great story of humanity that is unfolding.

This is your prophecy. It is your Divine Will, and it will be done. Through your Divine Will, may we know ourselves. Through your Divine Will, may the world truly heal. And through your Divine Will, may the world become alive again.

P.S. Oracle Initiation, our Rites of Passages for Elemental and Oracular Arts opens for enrollment in February 15th. Join the WAITLIST to receive the enrollment materials, details and link.


Prophetic Insights for 2025


The Purification of the Subtle Bodies